Over 5 years of "RDC" JSC operation more than 27 teaching master-classes with leading specialists were held in the following areas and topics:
1. PET / CT diagnostics in various diseases (Prof. M. Plotkin - clinic "Charité», «Vivantes», Germany; P. Povinets, Slovakia);
2. SPECT - diagnostics (K. Zavodovski, Russia);
3. MRI / CT diagnostics (Prof. R.Rienmuller - University of Graz, Austria; prof. Paul Parizel, Belgium);
4. Allergology and Immunology (Prof. T. Luss, Russia);
5. Primary immunodeficiencies: diagnosis and treatment (Belevtsev MV, Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology, Minsk, Belarus);
6. New technologies in surgery of the larynx (Prof. Tae Hyun Chemicals, Korea);
7. PAH diagnosis, retinal pathology (Prof. G.Seidal, etc. Anton Haas, Austria);
8. Quality control and statistics in laboratory medicine (Prof. Anders Kallner, Karolinska University Laboratories, Stockholm, Sweden; prof. L. Khorovskaya, (I St. Petersburg State Medical University. IP Pavlova, Russia);
9. Brachytherapy for prostate cancer (NGO "Bebig", Russia);
10. Treatment strategy in patients with akusticheskkoy neuroma (Prof. Mann, University of Guttenberg, Mainz, Germany);
11. Modern diagnostic methods in microbiology "(Prof. T. Long Omsk State. Honey Academy, Moscow, Russia);
12. Virtual colonoscopy (g.Grats, Austria);
13. Echocardiography right heart (Prof. Ales Linhart (prof. A. Linhart, MD, Dr.Sc., FESC);
14. Reproductive Health at endocrinopathy (Clinic for Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecology, Zlin, Czech Republic);
15. The introduction of international standarts for diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine);
16. The modern view on topical issues of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Prof. Yakovenko EP, Research Institute Pirogov, Moscow)