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Scientific activity

Sector Education and Science of innovative technologies created for the coordination of research activities of the "Republican Diagnostic Centre".
The sector to the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legal acts and methodological materials on planning, implementation, financing research and projects, as well as applicable requirements for registration of scientific and technical documentation and scientific products.

Main activities:

  • formation and development of research priorities in the development of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment and prevention of diseases; 
  • development of interdisciplinary scientific fields; 
  • integration into the world medical science, participation in international projects; 
  • implementation of international standards of scientific activity; 
  • training of researchers in scientific management.

In 2012 "Republican Diagnostic Centre" JSC was accredited as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technological activities. In accordance with Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science" by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a certificate of accreditation. Certificate available to participate in the scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities at the expense of the state budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Currently, more than 30 doctors and candidates are in the center. Research planning is generally carried out in accordance with the basic priority directions of of the Centre.
By results of the competition for grant funding for research for 2013-2015 in accordance with the decision of the National Science Council of Scientific and Technical project "Reproductive health of women with metabolic syndrome" was approved for grant funding.
On this project in 2013 were the following tasks:
1. Study the age dynamics biometric, metabolic parameters in patients with metabolic syndrome.
2. Investigation of the relationship between the level of performance of adipokines (adiponectin and resistin) and insulin resistance.
As a result of the study:
-The methods for determining antimyullerov hormone and adipokine resistin serum were implemented;
- the "School of weight correction" for patients was also organized;
- The guidelines "metabolic syndrome in women of reproductive age," was developed and is still to be approved by the Ministry of Health.
- 5 articles are published on the results of the study.
Annotation report on the implementation of scientific and technological project in 2013 on the conclusion of the State scientific and technical expertise (GNTE) got 24 points (maximum score - 27). Work continues on the next stage of research.
In addition, the six scientific and technical projects were developed by the research staff of "RDC"JSC that received the highest scores on the results of the state of scientific and technical expertise:
1. Medico-social factors of allergic diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. Features allergy syndrome in patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.
3.Patogeneticheskoe justification prooxidant-antioxidant imbalance and its role in the immunopathogenesis of IDA with autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism.
4. Radionuclide diagnosis of bone metastases in breast cancer and prostate cancer using a cocktail 18F-NaF and 18F-FDG.
5. International prospective clinical trial of a new strategic approach - cytological molecular analysis of circulating cancer cells in the selection of targeted therapy and monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment in breast cancer patients, lung cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.
6. Clinical and microbiological evaluation of minimally invasive treatment of periodontitis.
In accordance with the State Program for Health Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Salamatty Kazakhstan" for 2011-2015, one of the main areas of oncology service is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of major socio-significant by the introduction of nuclear medicine.
Currently in the Republic of Kazakhstan the only manufacturer of the drug for positron emission tomography is "RDC"JSC
In a further refinement and development of nuclear medicine department staff radioisotope diagnosis, together with the Center for Life Sciences AEO "Nazarbayev University", participate in the following scientific and technological project:
1. "Development of technology for labeling of leukocytes with radiopharmaceutical" 18-fluorodeoxyglucose "for the differential diagnosis of malignant and inflammatory diseases with PET / CT studies" (2012-2014).
Center staff interacts with specialists in various fields of medicine to improve the quality of care, 17 employees are members of various professional associations of the international level, 18 - of the national level.
With a view to the exchange of scientific and practical information to determine the prospects of medical and pharmaceutical sciences, problems of formation, preservation and protection of health Center staff regularly participate in research, scientific conferences and exhibitions.
Last year, about 30 employees of the Center participated in international and national forums.
One of the strategic objectives of development of "RDC"JSC is the introduction of new and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. In this perspective, in recent years, introduced the following innovative technologies:
1. Single photon emission computed tomography in the diagnosis of heart diseases, bone, kidney, thyroid, brain, liver.
2.Rannyaya positron emission tomography / computed tomography in the diagnosis of cancer.
3. Brachytherapy for prostate cancer.
4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MR tractography).
5.Magnitno resonance imaging in combination with contrast MR angiography with volume processes of mediastinum.6. Diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging in brain tumors.
7. Virtual colonoscopy.
8. Single photon emission computed tomography in the diagnosis of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer.
9. Noninvasive determination of atherosclerosis
10. The system of testing for clinical diagnosis and monitoring of allergy.
11. Implementation of pharmacological tests SPECT studies of the brain (for diagnosis of transient ischemic attack (TIA), kidney (to diagnose renovascular hypertension, the differential diagnosis of urinary tract obstruction).
12. Development of methodology for determining the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) for dynamic renal scintigraphy.
13. Diagnostics drug intolerance by determining the level of tryptase.
  The first phase of implementation of the following technologies is completed:
14. Production and introduction of radiopharmaceutical Na18F.
15. "Radionuclide diagnosis of bone metastases in breast cancer and prostate cancer using a cocktail 18F-NaF and 18F-FDG».

Ethics Committee Joint Stock Company "Republican Diagnostic Center"


Innovative activities

Normative legal acts

To contact the department of education and innovative technologies JSC "Republican Diagnostic Center"
tel.:       8 (71 72) 70 - 20 - 77
            8 (71 72) 50 - 80 - 56
Letters sent by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ">rdc.astana @ gmail.com 

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